I’m using XLC 16.1.1 Community Edition to compile application app_A.
app_A is built using the compilation parameters: xlc -O5 -qarch=pwr8 -qtune=pwr8 -Wl,-q.
Then, I’m optimizing application app_A using IBM FDPR (Feedback-Directed Program Restructuring). During one step, like this:
fdprpro -a instr -O3 -noasd app_A
I encounter an error after executing the command:
@Error: Analysis error: basic unit overlap: ConstArea: 0x10000254 32 – ConstArea: 0x10000254 32
Is there a way to resolve this error without modifying the source code by adding additional compilation parameters using XLC? Or are there other tools to remove duplicate ConstAreas?
In XLC, there isn’t a compilation option similar to GCC’s --gc-sections that instructs the linker to discard unreferenced sections in order to reduce the final size of the executable or library.